Child Custody Attorney in Raleigh, NC

Many times parents are unable to resolve child custody issues by agreement. Often parents are unable to agree on custodial arrangements with respect to their children, and find themselves in court arguing over which parent is better fit to care for their children, proper visitation schedules, educational concerns, and the like.

Custody may be agreed by the parties in a separation agreement or a parenting agreement. However, due to lack of enforceability it is not recommended that parties resolve custodial issues through a contract. Rather, it is recomemded that custodial issues be resolved by court order which can be accomplished by consent of the parties. If the parties are not able to agree on custody through agreement, then sometimes they may wish to resort to an alternative dispute resolution process such as private mediation or arbitration. Lastly, parties may be forced to file a formal action in court and litigate these issues in court before a judge with the help of a raleigh child custody attorney. As part of the formal litigation process, parties are required to attend mandatory mediation in Wake County.

Hiring a raleigh child custody attorney to represent you throughout this process is vitally important in protecting your interests as a parent, and ensuring that your children’s interests are protected as well.

Call our firm at (919) 355-3114 to speak with a family law attorney so that we may provide you with a personalized case strategy in effort to allow you to make informed legal decisions.